Fernweh Publishing

indie_book_publishingFernweh Publishing is an independent publishing house focusing on helping indie authors get published while leveraging our team’s experience, knowledge and drive so the author can focus on the fun stuff… writing.

While it might be simple to get published these days, not all of us have the talent or experience that it takes to pull of a successful launch and promote a book. Not all of us are skilled at graphic design, copy-writing, editing, and formatting while having the time to find beta readers and a stable of proofreaders at our disposal. While you can make a go of it on your own, you know that in order to give your book its best shot at being successful, a team of folks to support you is a necessary evil in this day and age.

You could make do and put a cover together, spend a few hours or days writing and rewriting your blurb, upload it to Amazon and hope for the best. Your book might draw some attention and catch on. On the other hand, a cheap amateurish cover, a lackluster blurb, and a manuscript with spelling error might bring grammar Nazis with pitchforks and torches.

What we hope to provide is the use of our team of talented graphic designers, beta readers, editors and proofreaders to you. Whether you leverage the use and advice from our team still stays in your hands. Your work remains your work and you retain total control over your novel forever. Strange, huh?

While most publishing houses make you sign a contract basically handing your work over to them, we hope your experience with us will be different. We have all heard horror stories about big publishing houses who take control over a book with the author having no say in the cover, editing or blurb. The final product might resemble the book that you had written but… it really isn’t, most of the time.

Likewise, the vast majority of the profits wind up going to the publishing house, right? Not with us! We’re indie authors too and we know the struggle that you have going on… “Do I go with a publishing house? It might get me the exposure that I need and they know what they’re doing and I don’t. Getting a deal with a publishing house will make me a real writer and until then my friends and family won’t consider me a real writer.”

Well, happy to break this to you… you really are a writer. If you’re prepared to have us take a look at your manuscript then you have accomplished more than most so called writers have achieved. Most writers talk about writing… read about writing… post messages on message boards about what they’re going to write about… attend seminars… go on writing retreats… but very rarely do most people who set out to write a book actually accomplish that feat so… good on you! You wrote a novel!

Who are we, really?

Fernweh Publishing was started by a small group of indie authors with varying skills and talents. With backgrounds in graphic design, writing and marketing, we pooled our resources to help other indie authors to not only get a polished novel to market in short order but with that stamp of approval that comes with being published by a publishing house, thus removing some of the stigma of being an “indie author”.